Thursday, May 28, 2009

Project Pain Phase #2

And for Phase #2 the hallway that leads you to the Bedroom, bathroom, or the Scentsy (spare) room! Color is Harp Seal. This may be a small area however there are three doorways in this small area, so it was a little harder than it looks! Also, you should know that we know that we have quite the color scheme going on, but you try painting an entire house, with the two difference in personalities that Darin and Jo have! Oh how opposites attract! Here you go! Enjoy and as always, please let us know what you think, hopefully we are getting better!

The hallway view from the front room!

Coming out of the spare room. The best wall to show you the color.

The hallway with it's decorations back up.

Again the larger wall in the hallway. Incase you are dying to know
the plaque says, "Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come Live for today"

The small little opening that fits this frame wonderfully!

And the shelf! Please notice the AMAZING Home Sweet Home plaque
above the shelf, that is from our wonderful Aunt Jean & Uncle Jim.
We absolutely LOVE it!
They did an amazing job in making it. We will treasure it always.


  1. It is looking awesome. I painted my entire house last year and just finished painting the downstairs apartment last night so I know it is a ton of work. It was my grandma's house and hadn't been painted in 30+ years. I have decided I hate painting. If I ever hold another paint brush it will be too soon!
