Thursday, April 30, 2009

Scotty & Karlee, our babies!!!

So it wouldn't be our official blog, until we have a post about our "children" Scotty & Karlee, our dogs are basically our lives! We love those two dogs so much, and since we are having such a hard time getting pregnant and starting our family, they have become our Children. They go everywhere with us that is possible, and they love it. They are two very spoiled dogs, but oh so precious and lovable to all. When Darin is at work and Jo is home alone, they bark at every sound they hear, it's almost annoying! When we got the Big Screen earlier this year, they discovered animals on TV and they go berserk! They think they are invading their territory. When we are babysitting Korbin, Karlee gets a lil jealous that her "mommy" is holding him. Darin even bought me a Mother's Day gift with a beautiful card from the dogs, which by the way came early, because they were all so excited to see the reaction! Not to mention, Karlee was trying to make up to Mom for chewing and ripping her large Raggedy Ann & Andy doll's she has had since about the age of 5. Luckily Grandma Bills knows how to sew and repair poor Andy's outfit. Anyway, here are a couple of pics or our Precious baby's that help to make our lives complete! Just so everyone knows Scotty is a Silky Terrier, which we got from some friends in Iowa on our vacation in 2007. And Karlee is a Pug, which we got here in Vernal from a girl at Jo's work. We debated getting either of them, but now we'd be sooo lost without them. We love you Scotty & Karlee!
Darin and Scotty takin a Sunday nap! So cute. Sometimes when Darin is playing video games, Scotty crawls up in his lap and watches the screen like he's playing too!
Scotty loves to lay like a dead dog and sleep, he even tries to lay like this at night, in bed with us.

Karlee's favorite spot, whether we are sitting in the chair or not. If you look close you will notice the paint just above her back leg, she decided that she needed to help mom paint the closet, not just watch, poor thing it's been there about a month or so. More posts to come on the Home Improvement Painting project, it's just a slow slow project!

This is how Karlee looks from the back of her favorite spot! Just doesn't look comfortable to me. We recently got this new loveseat and she is having a hard time adjusting to it, since it has less cushion on the back and top then our old one, she falls off the back a lot! Don't worry she's a tough one and just jumps right back up, trying to get her comfy spot.

Sorry this picture is kind of old, but it's the only one I could find right now of Jo with Scotty, and Karlee! So precious!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pain update

Well, a couple of weeks ago I gave up on my struggle to control the pain myself, after being up all night long afraid to move and Darin being afraid to touch me for fear of making it worse, I got into the doctor. We decided to increase my Nexium to 4 times a day instead of 2, he added another medicine, that is really nasty! It's supposed to kind of coat my stomach and esophogas to help ease the spasms which is causing me so much pain. He gave me more Percocet and told me to use it, said I am not addicted to it, and it's obvious I need it for the pain to sleep. We also talked about the stress and ways to manage and cope a lil better, with my lack of energy and my restrictions on being able to work out and lift, the Dr. thought it best to put me on a new type of Anti-depressant. I am so hesititant about taking yet another pill, but I thought I would try it. Well, my outlook on life is a lot better since, which is good, and I'm sure Darin is very greatful! The pain is back under control and I am not needing to live off the pain pills anymore. Which is great! Now my issue is I'm awake about 2 am every day. At some point I am sure I am just going to crash, from lack of sleep, it doesn't matter what time I go to bed, I'm awake every morning about 130-2 am! It's crazy I tell you, solve one problem to create another. Until next time!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, as most of you know, Jo has been having abdominal pain for the past few months. Well it's hitting hard this week, and I'm not sure why. I do know that it comes on strong when I am stressin out! So my question is, how do I stop stressing and worrying so dang much? I can't go shopping, because part of my stress is $MONEY$, I haven't found something that I could spend time doing that I enjoy, because it makes the stress worse as well. When I am done or taking a break from that, I start to freak out because of all the things that need to get done. So you see I am just not sure what to do to help with the stress issue?!?!?! The pain has been bad enough this week that I have been taking 2 pain pills instead of one, but don't fret it's not the Percocet that I was originally on, and have since been told I am addicted to, it's the non narcotic one. The bottle does say I can take 1-2 pills every 4 hours as needed for pain. Problem is 2 pills makes me really out of it and people keep asking me what's going on, and then when I get off work all I do is sleep. It's also getting hard to eat a meal again, so it's back to piecing I go! Which isn't healthy because all I tend to piece on is bad for you crap.

So I'm asking everyone, what do you do to relieve your stress, apparently I need some new ideas, options, because the ones I have are just not working! And while you are all at it, if you know of a way to just make this stupid pain stop, I would be FOREVER grateful, and owe you so very much! Any ideas for me?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beginning in the world of Blogging

So this is our first blog, we are total newbies, but thought we would try it out. Please leave us comments and tell us how to make it better, and so on. More later but for now, I just had to get a post up here!