Saturday, January 9, 2010

And the winner is.....

Late Thursday afternoon, Jo had a minor disagreement with the screen door, as the disagreement progressed, the level of her patience decreased. The fight ended with a fist to the handle and the door opening! However not so fast to give Congrats to Jo on her well deserved Victory, she was almost in tears with pain. She took a few minutes, rubbed and begged the side of her right hand to quit throbbing. It didn't really work, but she was not about to give in. Friday came and with it was some more swelling, throbbing, pain, and agony. But being the stubborn Jo that she is, she was not giving in to let the screen door win. Saturday came and alas she thought that the Congrats were going to be deserved until the swelling got a little worse, the throbbing a LOT worse, and the bruising began to appear! By Saturday afternoon she'd had enough and was ready to give in to the door's haunting laughter! She took herself to the Emergency Room, might I ad at this point that her hair and makeup was left undone due to pain (this should tell you how much pain there really was, for those of you that know her at all) And finally it shall be called a TIE!!! The door may have opened for Jo with the hit, however the door left some damage. Jo is bruised very badly on the right side of her hand, the Dr. was sure it was broken and informed her that it was indeed her lucky day! So with a new splint to keep it stable and immobile, and a script to be filled, Jo has admitted to defeat!!!

We should note at this time that the screen door handle is now broken and not shutting correctly at all. We think that both of them have learned their lesson and are proud to say they have called a truce!

1 comment:

  1. So funny!!! I'm sorry you are in pain but kudos for hittin' the door where it counts! :)
