Well, as most of you know, Jo has been having abdominal pain for the past few months. Well it's hitting hard this week, and I'm not sure why. I do know that it comes on strong when I am stressin out! So my question is, how do I stop stressing and worrying so dang much? I can't go shopping, because part of my stress is $MONEY$, I haven't found something that I could spend time doing that I enjoy, because it makes the stress worse as well. When I am done or taking a break from that, I start to freak out because of all the things that need to get done. So you see I am just not sure what to do to help with the stress issue?!?!?! The pain has been bad enough this week that I have been taking 2 pain pills instead of one, but don't fret it's not the Percocet that I was originally on, and have since been told I am addicted to, it's the non narcotic one. The bottle does say I can take 1-2 pills every 4 hours as needed for pain. Problem is 2 pills makes me really out of it and people keep asking me what's going on, and then when I get off work all I do is sleep. It's also getting hard to eat a meal again, so it's back to piecing I go! Which isn't healthy because all I tend to piece on is bad for you crap.
So I'm asking everyone, what do you do to relieve your stress, apparently I need some new ideas, options, because the ones I have are just not working! And while you are all at it, if you know of a way to just make this stupid pain stop, I would be FOREVER grateful, and owe you so very much! Any ideas for me?
Here is my blog address: http://www.olsontimes.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteSorry I made an error on the last post that is why I deleted it!
Pain can never be good.. ugh! My all time favorite stress reliever is a good book in a comfy chair! With a snack on the side {Ice Water & Popcorn} Hope you get feeling better friend!