Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dinner for the family... & Popsicles

So the other day, Jo found some popsicle molds for the kids to make their own popsicles! We have been making our own ice cubes from juice but popsicles, way fun! Anyway, we had this juice (thanks to Mom Noe) that the kids just LOVE, it's Great Value brand and called Orange Early Rise. The kids say it tastes like Sunny D. Go figure! Anyway they loved it so much that we made it into Popsicles for the next day, well I had to post a few pics from the popsicles. Also Kellee made dinner for the entire family yesterday and yes I, Jo helped her. Here are a few pics of her preparing the meal and the meal. I hear it was pretty good eatin! Good job Kellee! Kellee mixin it up and cookin some grub.
Kellee picked out the dessert for the meal she made for the family. Emilio picked out the juice and made that portion. Here is the proud cook with her creations!

Korbin enjoying a lil of the self-made Orange Early Rise popsicles. The kids downed them quicker than the juice, so it must have been good! Good choice Mom Noe on what juice to send in your package.

The popsicle/juice was a lil sour for Korbin but that didn't stop him from enjoying it with the other kids!

Popsicles for snack time! Everyone was enjoying their popsicles. Can't wait to do it again, what juice shall we use next time???

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