Thursday, July 2, 2009

How does Jo spend her days lately???

Well it's no secret to those around us that Jo hasn't been happy at her job for awhile now. No offense to Dalbo or anyone there, the job match just hasn't been there since about Dec. Well lately the stomach pain worsened and it was just getting harder to deal with day in and day out. After much discussion and stressin, we decided that it would be best to just quit. Since the decision was made things just seemed to fall into place. Jo took on babysitting her little 18 month old nephew 3 days a week from 5:30 am -4:30 pm Mon -Wed. Well this is the first week and it went well. I really enjoy the time I am getting to spend with Korbin. I love the flexibility to go run errands and work on Scentsy and do things at home at the same time. However financially she was worried this wasn't going to cut it, so I am going to continue to look for a part time job that will work with this schedule. I'm really really excited about the change of pace. Aside from working in a daycare part time while going to College this is unlike anything I have ever done before. As well as being with Korbin and taking care of things around the house, I am really enjoying the extra time and energy I am putting into the Scentsy business. Here a few pics of Korbin that I took this week. He's just so cute!

Korbin and Aunt B
Korbin loves my lil rocking chair he just sits in it and rocks or climbs in it and so on. It's just his size.

Korbin also loves this stuff Dalmation dog that Darin and I have. To be honest I'm not sure why we have a stuffed dog in the house, but now I'm glad. When he's gettin sleepy he wants the dog and his bottle, we sit and rock and it's naptime.

Another Smiley pic from our lil Ham Korbin!

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